Civic Champs partnered with MENTOR, the unifying champion for expanding the quality and quantity of mentoring relationships across the United States.
the goal
MENTOR worked directly with large-scale workforce development organizations and employers who hired opportunity youth to test out tools and trainings for replication.
what we did
This included meeting time, topics discussed, and meeting quality. Below are metrics of success for the pilot program Civic Champs app- the earliest version of Mentoring Works- helped support.
The following data is Courtesy of MENTOR National
Target Success Measurements
of youth report feeling supported by staff
Young employees rated the overall quality of their relationship with their mentor at 4.13 out of 5
of young employees rated their mentoring experience as “excellent” or “quite good”
of mentees thought that their mentors and supervisors helped them determine the next steps on their career or educational journey
Target Success Measurements
retention rate post-90 days of employment
of mentees were fully retained through the completion of their summer employment or through a 90-day window
of youth report feeling supported by staff
Mentors rated the average overall quality of their relationship withtheir young employee at 3.54 out of 5
of mentors rated their relationships as “excellent” or “quite good”
of respondents indicated that they planned on keeping in touch with their mentee
Target Success Measurements
of supervisors report feeling job satisfaction and a sense of contributing to a positive work climate
Supervisors rated their relationships with young employees at 4.35 outof 5, suggesting that they were able to build strong relationships withthese youth.
supervisors rated their relationships as as “excellent” or “quite good”